Azura Condos

Capital Developments
IBI Group
High Rise
15 Holmes Avenue
Toronto Ontario  M2N 4L8
  • azura-condominiums-03-600x342



This development designed by IBI Group will boast a modern, minimalist exterior. Its luxurious design including glass panelling and a grayscale colour scheme makes it stand out in the area, and helps to urbanize the expanding area.

This project will include a 29-storey residential building with a 2 storey podium, and a row of 8 townhomes. A lavish 6.51 metre mechanical penthouse will top off the tower. The project will utilize 6 existing standing townhomes and extend the block of units eastward by 2 more.

A total of 339 units will be made available within the development. They will be comprised by a balance of 220 one-bedroom and one-bedroom plus den units, 81 two-bedroom and two-bedroom plus den units, and 38 three-bedroom units. After the second floor, the tower will be set back. All residential units within the tower will come with either a private outdoor balcony or terrace. The tower portion will span floors 4 to 29. Its gross floor area will span an impressive 23,031.7 square metres

A total of 12 townhouse units will additionally be available within the development. These homes will be placed in an aesthetic U-shape. Every townhome unit will come with access to a rear yard, front yard terraces, or in some cases both. The tower and townhomes will be separated by a landscaped courtyard spanning east-west.

Condo and townhome residents will share a total of 528.9 square meters of shared indoor amenity space. This space will likely be on the ground and fourth floors. 516.6 square metres of outdoor amenity space will also be available.

Both levels of the podium will be occupied by amenity space, and by a residential lobby at the northwest corner. Residents will also be able to access the underground garage ramp via the podium. Two levels of parking will be made available in the below grade garage.

The podiums second floor will include an indoor bicycle parking room above the parking ramp. It will also be connected to the townhouse units’ second storey. The townhouse units will boast two storeys, and together will form a new landscaped courtyard exclusively for townhome residents.

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